WATCH FULL LECTURE HERE FOR FREE. What does the first precept to refrain from killing living beings mean for our relations with non-human animals? Is generating loving kindness and compassion for all sentient beings relevant to our daily lives? Can we understand animal liberation – especially through refraining from eating meat – as a form of Buddhist practice? DVA joined for a conversation … Continue reading DVA JOINS BARRE CENTER FOR BUDDHIST STUDIES FOR SPECIAL LECTURE ON APRIL 21, 2024
Animal Welfare Bill Update
We are very saddened to share that the Animal Welfare Bill in Sri Lanka is being put on hold again. The original Bill proposed in 2006 has seen many changes as all parties have to agree on the contents. Animal rights organizations and those directly involved in animal agriculture have been going back and forth with changes for many years. We finally came to … Continue reading Animal Welfare Bill Update
Vesak Day in Sri Lanka by Bhante Sathi
During this month’s Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat for Animal Activists, a retreatant asked Bhante the following question. “Bowing in, I was very interested in what your experience has been growing up in a Buddhist country. We’re particularly interested in the Mercy release practice and the fact that slaughterhouses were closed down on the holiday. Bowing out.” So you all know the Buddhist calendar goes to … Continue reading Vesak Day in Sri Lanka by Bhante Sathi
A Mother’s Day Story by Carrie Thompson, Director of DVA’s US Centers Project
To all mothers, human and nonhuman, DVA hopes you had a happy Mother’s Day. It was 4 PM, and after about 50 miles of riding my bike, I was trying to decide between setting up camp in the exposed and super windy Utah desert or riding another 15 grueling miles back to my car. That’s when I saw a baby cow with a dry umbilical … Continue reading A Mother’s Day Story by Carrie Thompson, Director of DVA’s US Centers Project
DVA Teacher Bio ~ Stephanie Swann, PhD, LCSW
Stephanie Swann, PhD, LCSW, is the Director of the Atlanta Mindfulness Institute and one of the two founding teachers of the Atlanta Insight Meditation Community. She is a certified MBSR instructor through the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine, Center for Mindfulness. Stephanie has been a dedicated Vipassana practitioner since 2008 and was a member of the Community Dharma Leaders program (CDL6) at Spirit Rock … Continue reading DVA Teacher Bio ~ Stephanie Swann, PhD, LCSW
DVA Volunteer Bio ~ Dr. Sharon Methvin
Dr. Sharon Methvin is a biocultural anthropologist. She has been a professor of anthropology since 1988, teaching engaged citizenship in the classroom and conducting research resulting in over 25 papers and publications. In 1997, she was honored with a human rights award for her research on poverty. Her humanitarian concerns extend beyond human rights to the rights of animals as well. In this regard, she … Continue reading DVA Volunteer Bio ~ Dr. Sharon Methvin