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Donate Now and Be a Voice for Animals

No gift is too small.

Your impact will INSTANTLY DOUBLE due to the extremely generous support of our matching donor.

The GIFT you make today will empower DVA to continue to develop innovative projects and actions to spread our message of a compassionate diet around the globe. In doing so we will together save the lives of countless, precious animals.

A monthly gift provides a consistent stream of revenue which allows us to best plan our projects. 

To make a better world for animals, press the “Help Save Animals” button which will give you several currency choices:

Help Save Animals

You also can send a check made out to Dharma Voices for Animals to: PO Box 508; Solana Beach, California 92075, USA

When you donate $25 or more, you will be added as a member. As a member, you can receive our periodic newsletters to update you on the latest DVA happenings. You can also receive plant-based mentoring at no cost, and if you wish, have your name added to our list of members in support of DVA’s mission. We value your privacy and will never share your email address.

DVA is a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. Our Federal Tax ID# is 45-5372693.

Imagine a world in which animals are not considered food, a world in which Buddhist communities around the world are setting a shining example. Make your GIFT to DVA now so that you can say you were part of that achievement.

Thank you for your generous support for the work of DVA!

Geshe Thupten Phelgye
Geshe Thupten Phelgye

DVA Advisory Council member, Geshe Thupten Phelgye, a student of his Holiness the Dalai Lama, a Buddhist monk, member of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile for ten years, international scholar, and professor at Eastern Washington University in the USA:


After witnessing the slaughter of an animal for the first time, I cried and made a vow to be a voice for him.

Why DVA Needs Your Financial Support

As the only Buddhist Animal Advocacy organization in the world, we are uniquely positioned to use the relationships and contacts we have developed in the Buddhist world during the past ten years to make our voice on behalf of animals even stronger. If we aren’t able to reach the one billion Buddhists in the world who will?

But, we need your financial support to make it happen.

The generous gifts of our supporters empower us to continue to develop innovative projects and actions to spread our message of a compassionate diet around the globe. In doing so we will together save the lives of countless, precious animals.

Be a voice for animals.

The GIFT you make today will support DVA’s important work in the US, the Buddhist countries of Sri Lanka and Vietnam, and the rest of the Buddhist world by extending the Buddha’s teachings on compassion and non-harming to ALL sentient beings, which will protect the lives of millions, perhaps billions, of animals.

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Game Changer in the U.S. and Europe

DVA has Chapters in most of the major US cities and in Europe and is working to expand their outreach into the local Dharma centers and communities. DVA’s persistent advocacy at U.S. Buddhist Centers has paid huge dividends for animals:

  • Raised the awareness of many US Dharma teachers, many of whom have become DVA members and donors.
  • Encouraged the teachers to mention vegetarian and vegan diets during their Dharma talks.
  • Stopped Dharma teacher training programs from serving animal flesh on their retreats.
  • Increased significantly the number of plant-based and vegetarian meals served on residential retreats.

DVA’s Sri Lanka Project is encouraging the 15 million Sri Lankan Buddhists to transition toward a compassionate plant-based diet.

DVA kicked off our Sri Lanka Project on October 26, 2017, with an audience of 600 people, including the national media, at our second annual Asian Buddhist Animal Rights Conference at the Buddhist Cultural Center in Colombo. The Speaker of the Sri Lanka Parliament, Karu Jayasuriya, made a public speech covered by the national media which was extremely supportive of DVA and our mission.

Over the past four years, DVA has developed a strong presence in Sri Lanka with influential chapters in both major population centers, Colombo and Kandy, and strong working relationships with the top monks.  DVA is busy making presentations at the 8,000 Dhamma Schools attended by most Buddhist children in the country. Our social media campaign is often reaching between 1 and 2 million people per post. Our Project continues to receive widespread, favorable television, newspaper, and internet media coverage.  For example, a major national newspaper, the Daily Mirror, published an editorial which was extremely supportive of DVA and our message promoting a compassionate diet for all Buddhists.

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DVA’s Vietnam Project

On Sunday, September 23, 2018, DVA co-hosted with the VBS (Vietnamese Buddhist Sangha) our Third Annual Asian Buddhist Animal Rights Conference at the 1,000-year-old Phap Van Pagoda (Temple). The Director of DVA’s Vietnam Project, the Venerable Thich Thanh Huan, will be using his leadership role on the Executive Committee of the VBS to gain support for DVA’s Vietnam Project throughout his country.

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DVA’s Thailand Project

We are working with the approximately 300,000 monastics in Thailand, the great majority of whom eat a great deal of animal flesh and animal products. Some of the biggest and most influential temples in Thailand are working with DVA by welcoming our presentations on the health benefits of a plant-based or, at least, a vegetarian diet. 

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We understand that much of our work needs to be done in Asia where over 98% of the approximately one billion Buddhists live and where seven of our Chapters are located. Since the overwhelming majority of Buddhists live in Asia, the overwhelming majority of the animals killed to feed and clothe them live in Asia.  If we don’t do this work in Asia who will?

DVA is a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. Our Federal Tax ID# is 45-5372693.

Thank you for your generous support for the work of DVA!