DVA’s Sri Lanka Project

We at DVA send Metta to all the Sri Lankan people. May you all be healthy and safe.

DVA Launches Sri Lanka Project

The island nation of Sri Lanka has the longest, uninterrupted history of Buddhism of any county in the world.  Today about 16 million Buddhists live in Sri Lanka out of a total population of 22 million. For the past several years, Dharma Voices for Animals (DVA) has been engaged in a project throughout the country to encourage compassionate diets. DVA also has a very active Sri Lankan Facebook page, moving Sri Lankans to a plant-based diet as we reach well over one million people. You can like us on our Facebook page and get updates on nutrition, great food, and DVA activities throughout Sri Lanka.

DVA Works to Pass an Updated Animal Welfare Bill

The sad truth is that Sri Lanka, among countries that celebrate democracy in the world, ranks dead last in protecting innocent animals. The current animal welfare law called the Preventing of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, passed in 1907, is barely two pages long and is no longer relevant in modern society. After 116 years, it is time that a country where DVA has been very warmly received to join the other democracies in the world and finally pass a modern animal welfare law.

DVA has been working for a number of years behind the scenes to encourage the passage of a modern law that has been languishing since 2006. Over the past three years, we have been educating the Sri Lankan public and decision makers about the benefits of the bill, and we are optimistic that it will pass soon. We are all very grateful to the visionary and compassionate political leaders in Sri Lanka who have publicly supported this proposed law.

We will continue to provide updates on the progress of the proposed legislation.

DVA has also launched a dedicated Facebook page dedicated to passing the Animal Welfare Bill. Be sure to follow this page as well to get the latest updates regarding the passage of this important legislation.

Cabinet Approval Granted to the Animal Welfare Bill


Dhamma (Sunday) School Program

DVA has been making presentations at Dhamma (Sunday) schools, where approximately 80% of Sri Lankan Buddhist children attend.

We talk directly to the children, their parents, and the teachers about the benefits of taking animal flesh and animal products out of their diet.

There are 17 Regional Coordinators all over the island nation, including K.D.G. Rathnayake in Kurunegala, Kawshalya Lakmini in Balangoda, Chandrathilak Gunarathne in Gampaha, and Suranga Udaya Kumara, Rohitha Chandralal, Subani Senarath in Kuliyapitiya, Vajira Arandara in Gampaha, Rashika Sannasgala in Kaluthara, Dhammika Dandeniya in Kadawatha, Prasadi Manuja Hettiarchchi in Kandy, Sandakshi Sulakkhana in Ampara, Sujeewa Krishantha in Kandy, and Vieshnavy Balakrishnan in Jaffna.


The live programs include a PowerPoint presentation and a showing of our short film: Dharma Voices for Animals Sri Lanka Project: Heart or Tongue? We include the history of how Sri Lanka was largely a vegetarian island before the invasion and occupation by European powers and a call to Sri Lankans to return to their culture of non-harming and compassion. Our team also hands out six-page brochures in Sinhala introducing DVA and explaining why Sri Lankans should adopt a plant-based diet:

  1. To practice the Buddha’s teachings of compassion and non-harming
  2. To improve the health of children, families, and individuals
  3. To lessen the impact of environmental disasters such as global warming.

Our team presentations have also focused on medical doctors, soldiers, and farmers. Earlier this year DVA’s Sri Lanka Project team, along with our project’s senior consultant Ananda Mahinkanda, presented at an army post. More than 1,200 soldiers attended with almost all expressing, after our presentation, their intention to switch to a compassionate diet.  

More than 1,200 soldiers attended DVA Presentation
More than 1,200 soldiers attended our first Presentation to Sri Lankan soldiers in February, 2019

On October 10, 2019, DVA held a large event at the Nelum Pokuna Mahinda Rajapaksa Theatre in central Colombo Sri Lanka for soldiers in the Sri Lankan army. For over three hours, over 1300 soldiers listened to DVA presenters, who talked about the value of a plant-based diet. The response by the audience was beyond even our high expectations.

After we made several presentations to the GMOA (Government Medical Officer’s Association), a prestigious organization of physicians, they began to publicly recommend a fully vegetarian diet for all Sri Lankans.

DVA’s Sri Lanka Project team also includes a group of veterinarians led by Dr. Chamith Nanayakkara, who are treating at no cost, the animals that live at the temples and monasteries, making presentations to the Dhamma schools, and organizing vegetarian groups at each school.

Special Events

We hold special events to bring attention to animal suffering caused by the Buddhist community.

Many dogs are starving on the streets of Sri Lanka as the Covid 19 crisis worsens on that island nation. DVA’s staff, aided by our volunteers, are helping feed many dogs.

DVA Covid Dog Feed
DVA Covid Dog Feed


DVA recently held a photography contest supporting the passing of the Animal Welfare Bill. DVA received a total of 1695 photographs. From the initial entries, they selected 945 for the final judging. Grades 6-8 received 482 photo entries, Grades 9-11 received 602 entries, Grades 12-13 received 163, and the Open Category received 412 photographs. 

Here are some highlights:

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Bhante Sathi: Co-Coordinator of DVA’s Sri Lanka Project

Bhante Sathi is a Sri Lankan-American monk, who along with being the co-director of our Sri Lanka Project, is also the Minnesota Chapter Leader, and a member of DVA’s Board of Directors. Bhante has been instrumental in getting our message out to Sri Lankans in the newspapers and on television.

  • DVA’s Sri Lanka Project Director Shanika Gamage
    Shanika Gamage DVA Sri Lanka Project Director
    Shanika Gamage

    DVA’s Sri Lanka Project Director is Shanika Gamage, who has worked for DVA since 2018 as Dhamma School Coordinator and then National Events Supervisor. She earned her bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Colombo in 2016 and has completed substantial work on a master’s degree in sociology with an emphasis on research and psychology in Australia.

    Under her supervision, DVA has made over 750 presentations at Dhamma schools and other venues all over Sri Lanka. While she was growing up Shanika experienced her country’s Dhamma School program firsthand, finishing an eleven-year course at the age of eighteen.

    Shanika Gamage is vegan, a practicing Buddhist and, whenever possible, attends Dhamma meditation retreats. Shanika has a passion to share her own practice of ahimsa toward ALL beings as she leads DVA by example to advocate for a compassionate diet.


If you would like to volunteer to help DVA help animals and/or have questions or suggestions, please contact DVA’s Sri Lanka Project Director Shanika Gamage: shanika@dharmavoicesforanimals.org.