Our Thailand Project Team has made history!   Two Thai Wats have signed an agreement with our Dharma Voices For Nutrition Foundation to serve plant-based meals every Saturday for a year! In Thailand, it is customary for monks to be fed by the community, and monks eat whatever they are given. This has led to many monks experiencing poor health.     For the first … Continue reading HISTORIC AGREEMENTS SIGNED IN THAILAND


WATCH FULL LECTURE HERE FOR FREE.   What does the first precept to refrain from killing living beings mean for our relations with non-human animals? Is generating loving kindness and compassion for all sentient beings relevant to our daily lives? Can we understand animal liberation – especially through refraining from eating meat – as a form of Buddhist practice?   DVA joined for a conversation … Continue reading DVA JOINS BARRE CENTER FOR BUDDHIST STUDIES FOR SPECIAL LECTURE ON APRIL 21, 2024

ACE Designates DVA as 2021 Standout Charity

Dharma Voices for Animals (DVA) is honored to have been recommended as a “2021 Standout Charity” from Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE). ACE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the United States dedicated to finding and promoting the most effective ways to help animals. ACE aids compassionate donors, professionals, and volunteers in making informed decisions about how to help animals as effectively as possible. ACE strives … Continue reading ACE Designates DVA as 2021 Standout Charity

With the world in the midst of a pandemic, we at DVA send Metta to all of our members, may you all be healthy and safe.

With so many people suffering so greatly, we also remember that animals are suffering even more than usual. Almost all pandemics have been caused by humans eating animals. And now from being left abandoned and starving on the streets, to being eaten in even larger quantities in some areas, we hope that all of us do what we can to advocate for animals during this … Continue reading With the world in the midst of a pandemic, we at DVA send Metta to all of our members, may you all be healthy and safe.

Shanika Gamage DVA Sri Lanka Project Director

DVA’s Sri Lanka Project Director Shanika Gamage

DVA’s Sri Lanka Project Director is Shanika Gamage, who has worked for DVA since 2018 as Dhamma School Coordinator and then National Events Supervisor. She earned her bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Colombo in 2016 and has completed substantial work on a master’s degree in sociology with an emphasis on research and psychology in Australia. Under her supervision, DVA has made over … Continue reading DVA’s Sri Lanka Project Director Shanika Gamage