Our Thailand Project Team has made history!   Two Thai Wats have signed an agreement with our Dharma Voices For Nutrition Foundation to serve plant-based meals every Saturday for a year! In Thailand, it is customary for monks to be fed by the community, and monks eat whatever they are given. This has led to many monks experiencing poor health.     For the first … Continue reading HISTORIC AGREEMENTS SIGNED IN THAILAND

Sri Lanka Animal Welfare Bill Update

Animal Welfare Bill Update

  We are very saddened to share that the Animal Welfare Bill in Sri Lanka is being put on hold again. The original Bill proposed in 2006 has seen many changes as all parties have to agree on the contents. Animal rights organizations and those directly involved in animal agriculture have been going back and forth with changes for many years. We finally came to … Continue reading Animal Welfare Bill Update

Animals & the Buddha

“Animals & the Buddha” Film

Learn about the Buddha’s teachings on compassion to all beings in DVA’s free documentary Animals and the Buddha. The 45-minute documentary includes interviews with world-renowned monastics and lay teachers including Jetsuma Tenzin Palmo, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ven. Bhante Gunaratana, Ven. Geshe Phelgye, Christopher Titmuss, teachers from Spirit Rock Meditation Center and many others. It was produced by award-winning documentary filmmaker, Keegan Kuhn, who also produced … Continue reading “Animals & the Buddha” Film

With the world in the midst of a pandemic, we at DVA send Metta to all of our members, may you all be healthy and safe.

With so many people suffering so greatly, we also remember that animals are suffering even more than usual. Almost all pandemics have been caused by humans eating animals. And now from being left abandoned and starving on the streets, to being eaten in even larger quantities in some areas, we hope that all of us do what we can to advocate for animals during this … Continue reading With the world in the midst of a pandemic, we at DVA send Metta to all of our members, may you all be healthy and safe.

Lion's Roar

Friends, Not Food

By DVA President Bob Isaacson This article was first published in Lion’s Roar magazine, April 2019. If you stopped people on the streets of Chicago or London and ask them if Buddhists are vegetarian, the most likely response you’d get is “yes.” The public perception, at least in the West, is that since Buddhism is based on reverence for life, followers of the path don’t eat … Continue reading Friends, Not Food