Our Thailand Project Team has made history!   Two Thai Wats have signed an agreement with our Dharma Voices For Nutrition Foundation to serve plant-based meals every Saturday for a year! In Thailand, it is customary for monks to be fed by the community, and monks eat whatever they are given. This has led to many monks experiencing poor health.     For the first … Continue reading HISTORIC AGREEMENTS SIGNED IN THAILAND


WATCH FULL LECTURE HERE FOR FREE.   What does the first precept to refrain from killing living beings mean for our relations with non-human animals? Is generating loving kindness and compassion for all sentient beings relevant to our daily lives? Can we understand animal liberation – especially through refraining from eating meat – as a form of Buddhist practice?   DVA joined for a conversation … Continue reading DVA JOINS BARRE CENTER FOR BUDDHIST STUDIES FOR SPECIAL LECTURE ON APRIL 21, 2024

Sri Lanka Animal Welfare Bill Update

Animal Welfare Bill Update

  We are very saddened to share that the Animal Welfare Bill in Sri Lanka is being put on hold again. The original Bill proposed in 2006 has seen many changes as all parties have to agree on the contents. Animal rights organizations and those directly involved in animal agriculture have been going back and forth with changes for many years. We finally came to … Continue reading Animal Welfare Bill Update

DVA Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat for Animal Activists

Join DVA President and Co-Founder Bob Isaacson and Venerable Bhante Sathi on Sunday, July 28th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific for our free monthly virtual mindfulness and meditation Sangha for animal activists. You do not need to be an activist to attend. Anyone who cares about animals is welcome to join us. Please register to receive the link. Bob Isaacson is the President and Co-Founder … Continue reading DVA Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat for Animal Activists

Replay – DVA Speaker Series 9: Can Diet Change Affect Climate Change

Watch Episode 9 of the DVA Speaker Series featuring DVA President and Cofounder Bob Isaacson in conversation with environmental researcher and engineer Steve Smith from Saturday, January 20, 2024. This discussion revolves around the question “Can diet change impact climate change” and other pressing questions. We are excited to have Steve, who studied at the prestigious University of North Texas, join us as our guest … Continue reading Replay – DVA Speaker Series 9: Can Diet Change Affect Climate Change

Vesak Day in Sri Lanka by Bhante Sathi

During this month’s Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat for Animal Activists, a retreatant asked Bhante the following question. “Bowing in, I was very interested in what your experience has been growing up in a Buddhist country. We’re particularly interested in the Mercy release practice and the fact that slaughterhouses were closed down on the holiday. Bowing out.” So you all know the Buddhist calendar goes to … Continue reading Vesak Day in Sri Lanka by Bhante Sathi