Replay – DVA Speaker Series 9: Can Diet Change Affect Climate Change

Watch Episode 9 of the DVA Speaker Series featuring DVA President and Cofounder Bob Isaacson in conversation with environmental researcher and engineer Steve Smith from Saturday, January 20, 2024. This discussion revolves around the question “Can diet change impact climate change” and other pressing questions. We are excited to have Steve, who studied at the prestigious University of North Texas, join us as our guest … Continue reading Replay – DVA Speaker Series 9: Can Diet Change Affect Climate Change

DVA Speaker Series Episode 7 Replay

Replay – DVA Speaker Series 7: In Conversation with Stephanie Swann

Watch the 7th Episode of the DVA Speaker Series with DVA President and Co-Founder Bob Isaacson featuring Special Guest Speaker, DVA Advisory Council Member, US Centers Project team member, and Dharma Teacher, Stephanie Swann, PhD, LCSW.   Stephanie is the Director of the Atlanta Mindfulness Institute and one of the two founding teachers of the Atlanta Insight Meditation Community. She is a certified MBSR instructor through … Continue reading Replay – DVA Speaker Series 7: In Conversation with Stephanie Swann

DVA Speaker Series 5: In Conversation with Thomas Wade Jackson

Free Event & Film Screening! Watch below from Saturday, July 31st, 2021, our special DVA Speakers Series event, In Conversation: With Thomas Wade Jackson, director of the award-winning, feature-length documentary, A Prayer for Compassion, and Bob Isaacson, President and Co-Founder of Dharma Voices for Animals. A Prayer for Compassion is a feature length documentary that strives to inspire and encourage those already on a religious … Continue reading DVA Speaker Series 5: In Conversation with Thomas Wade Jackson

Should a buddhist be a vegetarian?

DVA Speaker Series FAQ with Greg Schmidt

DVA Speaker Series Episode 2 Sunday August 16th at 9:00am PST. DVA will be live streaming our second Speaker Series featuring DVA Contributor Greg Schmidt, Co-Author of the new Dharma Voices for Animals Frequently Asked Questions. Greg will discuss with DVA Co-Founder and President Bob Isaacson about the progress of our Frequently Asked Questions campaign on social media and creating a FAQ for the DVA … Continue reading DVA Speaker Series FAQ with Greg Schmidt